e martë, 1 janar 2008

Stretch out those Bibles, we're going in. How about some 1 Kings 1, 8 (feel free to graze over chapters 2-7 to get a bit more info), 9:1-9, 11-12.

Important information for this week:

Here's a list of names to help decrease the confusion (as always, pronounciation isn't too important):

David: you know who he is
Solomon: David's son and heir to the throne
Jeroboam: the guy who is given the kingdom of Israel
Rehoboam: Solomon's son and heir to the throne of Judah
After the kingdom splits we have two kingdoms. Israel is in the north, and Judah is in the south. Judah is where Jerusalem and the temple are located.
Ahijah: a prophet who tells Jeroboam that he will be king
Bathsheba: David's wife (you know, "that" wife)

A lot of our discussion will (hopefully) revolve around the kingdom, the king, prophets, and the temple. Come with questions/insights into those issues; I hope our discussions from the past few weeks will aid in your understanding of these themes. Feel free to mention Jesus and what he has to do with all this.

3 komente:

Patrick tha...

How Jesus relates to this?

Hmmm, this will take some thought...

Erik tha...

Where are we meeting?

theekevy tha...

Good question, Erik. We will be working on that around the clock until we find a suitable answer for you. P.S. I miss you.