e mërkurë, 7 nëntor 2007

2 Samuel time!

We're going to be hitting chapters 1,2,4-7 this week. It might be difficult because of all these weird names and events going on, so I'll post some helps so that we won't spend the entire meeting time talking about who is who. Sola deo gloria!

4 komente:

theekevy tha...

Also, try to take some careful notes; or anything really that will help you understand the flow of the story better.

theekevy tha...

Here's a rundown of the main characters in this first section of 2 Samuel:

David: you should know who he is by now

Saul/Jonathan: father/son; Saul was the first king of Israel, but now he's dead; Jonathan is dead too (not to be confused with Johnny Jones, he's not dead)

Abner: he was the commander of Saul's army

Joab: a military leader of David; he's dangerous

Ish-bosheth: one of Saul's sons; he becomes king for a little while

Ashael: Joab's brother

Michal: one of David's wives; she is a daughter of Saul

Patrick tha...

Johnny Jones is alive! Thank the lucky charms.

That IS a lot of names. Thanks for the info!

Seabiscuit tha...

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry that I wasn't fully up to task lately with my readings.

I don't want to get myself too deep here but since I've been thinking a lot lately, I decided that being in the small group isn't for me anymore. I feel a bit pressured from my own personal business and other internal reasons.

My faith has been at a low point right now and it may be extremely difficult to recover. All of you have been great friends and great people to hang out with.

I don't doubt for a second that all of you simply don't care. I personally believe that all of you do care and are considered friends. I believe that each of you do care and do have a sense of moral obligation to keep each other accountable including mine.

However, my life is filled with tons of personal grief in terms of my sin. My sin has consumed me so much that I don't have the motivation that I used to, to pray for forgiveness and repentance. I really need help but I gave up help since I'm too consumed with the secular environment here at my school campus.

Really, I am devoting way too much time for work to deal with finances and also too much effort to get my educational goal achieved. Rather than focusing on God. My lack of true Christian friends here on campus and at my work here on campus, has proven to be a very difficult environment for me. I cannot explain to you how much of a negative transformation it has been. My worldview has changed dramatically.

I really, really hate talking about this so openly and so candidly. I wished that what I am saying to you right now turns out more spiritual and authentic than fluff but I can't. I am telling the truth about myself and I have so much to say. Sorry if any of you are bothered by this.

If you want, I can talk about it over the phone since most of you have questions, concerns, and comments. You have my number, call me at any time and leave a message. I will call back at an appropriate time.