e hënë, 24 dhjetor 2007

Christmas quote

"Man’s Maker was made man

that the Bread might be hungry,

the Fountain thirst,

the Light sleep,

the Way be tired from the journey;

that Strength might be made weak,

that Life might die.


e diel, 23 dhjetor 2007

The Every-Day Gospel

Dear Christians,

I have a few questions for ya'll:

1) Why is Christmas the biggest day of the year?

2) How does Christmas impact every other day of the year, and the way we live each day?

*I hope you guys know I'm not talking about the Westernized, materialistic view of Christmas.

e hënë, 17 dhjetor 2007

So we're going to do something new this week: we're going to have a small group meeting!! We're shooting for 2-4 p.m. meeting tomorrow (Monday). I'll be shooting out phone calls to see how this will work.